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Landowner Exchange

Decumulation vs. Accumulation

Retirement planning comes in two distinct stages. Here’s how planning for both can change your retirement!

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What is a Fixed Indexed Annuity?

A fixed indexed annuity can diversify your portfolio by adding an asset class that protects principal.

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How RMDs Work?

Required Minimum Distributions, or RMDs, must be withdrawn from your tax-deferred accounts starting at age 72. Here is everything you need to know about them!

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Our Services

Born and raised to understand the needs of landowners, our founders have studied strategies to help you protect what you have and what you’re looking to grow. Our mission is to give America’s land and business owners the greatest chance to succeed, and we believe that our services do just that by optimizing the sale and trade of your most previous assets. Whether you’re looking to trim your tax bill, transition ownership of your property or share in the betterment of your community, Landowner Exchange is here to help.

1031 Exchanges
1033 Exchanges
Opportunity Zones
Replacement Properties

Planting the Seeds of Opportunity